Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario's Data Book - 2022-2023





Updated May 2022

Wait Time Information System (WTIS)




The Wait Time Information System (WTIS) is a web-based application used for the collection of surgery, diagnostic imaging, and alternate level of care (ALC) information on waits and the efficiency of health care delivery. This information is used to inform our understanding of the patient journey through the health system. Initially it was used to collect data for surgery and diagnostic imaging in 2005, and in 2011 for ALC data.) Ontario Health manages the WTIS on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Health.


The Health System Performance & Support Division (HSPS) within Ontario Health is a recognized provincial leader in transforming Ontario’s healthcare landscape through the design, implementation and management of provincial IM/IT initiatives to support the people of Ontario. HSPS provides leadership, technology development, information system deployment and informatics services to create information and knowledge, which is used to inform Ontario’s health system policy makers, administrators, and professionals across priority areas.


Surgery Wait Times and Efficiencies

HSPS measures, manages, and reports on 59 surgical wait time data elements from more than 3,300 surgeons across 132 healthcare sites within 90 WTIS-funded healthcare facilities. In near real time, the WTIS captures and reports on wait times for surgical procedures: Wait 1 and Wait 2.  Wait 1 is defined as the amount of time the patient waits for a first consultation with a clinician. It is measured from the time the referral is received to the date the first consultation with a clinician occurs. Wait 2 is defined as the amount of time that the patient waits for surgical procedures. Wait 2 for surgical procedures is measured from the Decision to Treat Date to the date the procedure is performed. The collection of surgical data builds a comprehensive picture of performance at the provincial, regional and hospital levels while also providing surgeon-level data in in near real-time. Reports are generated for multiple stakeholders, including monthly public reporting of provincial and hospital level performance.


*Please note: The Surgical Information Program within HSPS also collects Surgical Efficiency Targets Program (SETP) data. It is  not currently part of the WTIS dataset.


Diagnostic Imaging (DI) Wait Times and Efficiencies

Also captured, managed and reported on is  MRI and CT wait times and efficiencies from 107 healthcare facilities including Independent Health Facilities. Collecting and reporting this data supports health system leaders to better understand how the system is performing and contributing to improve access to care for patients. Interactive monthly wait times performance reports are generated for multiple stakeholders with DI Wait Times data being publicly reported. Performance Dashboard reports include the following key performance metric categories: Wait Time, Performance and Demand, Utilization Efficiency and Complexity. Wait 2 MRI and CT procedures are currently captured and reported on in the WTIS. Wait 2 is defined as the amount of time that the patient waits for diagnostic imaging procedures. Wait 2 for MRI and CT scans is measured from the Order Received Date and Time to the Actual Service Date and Time (when the scan is performed).  


Alternate Level of Care (ALC)

ALC is the designation given by a physician or their delegate to a patient who is occupying an inpatient bed in a hospital and does not require the intensity of resources or services provided in that particular care setting. ALC data is collected and reported on from more than 200 hospital sites across Ontario, which is reflective of approximately 98% of all available hospital beds, including acute and post-acute facilities. ALC wait time information provides the Ministry, Regions, hospitals, clinicians, and other health system stakeholders with robust data for enabling evidence-based decision-making across the continuum of care.


Ontario Health is the provincial agency responsible for ensuring Ontarians receive high-quality health care services where and when they need them. Since it was established in June 2019, Ontario Health has brought together the strengths of many existing health care organizations to work together to build a better health care system for all Ontarians. Building on the expertise and knowledge of our people, we are committed to applying the best of what we collectively do, and in partnership with others, to transform the health system and improve the quality and delivery of care for patients, families, and healthcare providers.





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