Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario's Data Book - 2023-2024



Updated December 2022

Summary of Changes

The Data Book includes minor adjustments and additions from the previous year.  Changes were kept to an absolute minimum using the following guiding principles:

List of Changes



01 Introduction

  • Welcome: Updated

Chapter I - Activity Level Reporting (ALR)

Chapter IIC - Wait Time Information System (WTIS)

  • Wait Time Information System (WTIS) - Introduction: Updated

  • Wait Time Information System (WTIS) - WTIS System Definitions

    • WTIS Standard Surgery OR Specification_201308_v5: Removed

    • Diagnostic Imaging Data Standardization Guide_v11: Updated

Chapter III - New Drug Funding Program (NDFP)

  • No changes

Chapter VI - Brachytherapy

  • No changes

Chapter IV - Cancer Pathology Data - ePath

  • Cancer Pathology Data - ePath - Cancer Pathology Data - Introduction: Updated

  • Cancer Pathology Data ePath - Appendix - Appendix 4.1 - CAP Electronic Checklist

    • Mandated eCC Table: Updated

    • Optional eCC Table: Updated

    • Deprecated eCC Table: Updated

Chapter IX - Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC)

  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - IXA - GI Endoscopy DSP - Introduction: Updated

  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - IXA - GI Endoscopy DSP - Colonoscopy: Updated

    • GI Endoscopy DSP Data Dictionary: Updated

  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - IXA - GI Endoscopy DSP - Facility: Removed
  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - IXB - FIT DSP - Introduction: Updated

    • FIT DSP Data Dictionary: Updated 

  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - IXB - FIT DSP - FIT: Removed

  • Colorectal Screening Program - Colon Cancer Check (CCC) - Specifications - FIT DSP - Submission Schedule: Updated

Chapter X  - Symptom Management

  • Symptom Management - Introduction: Updated

  • Symtom Management - Added New Topic:

    • Symptom Management - ESAS-r-plus

Chapter XI - Multidisciplinary Cancer Conferences (MCC)

  • No changes

Chapter XII - Specialized Services Oversight (SSOIS) Program

  • No changes

Chapter XIII - Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

  • No changes

Chapter XIV - Ontario Renal Reporting System (ORRS)

  • ORRS - Introduction: Updated

  • ORRS - Entities - ORRS Coding Guide: Updated


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