Ontario Health - Cancer Care Ontario's Data Book - 2023-2024





Updated January 2019

Process for ALR Data Package Submissions

  1. The required data for the ALR submission is extracted from the local data system(s) and formatted into CSV files as per the file layouts described later in this section. OPIS sites extract the files (ie. systemic drug delivery event) using scripts provided by OH-CCO, while non-OPIS sites use their own processes. These files are packaged into a ZIP archive file, which is the ALR Data Package.

  2. The ALR Data Package is uploaded to OH-CCO via the Data Submission Portal application (DSP).

  3. The ZIP file is validated, and the contained CSV files are extracted, validated and loaded into the OH-CCO database.

  4. QA reports from the load are generated and provided on DSP's Reports Viewer (under "Submission Summary") for download by clicking on the "Details" link.


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